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Carla Castle is a Singapore-based art writer and aspiring curator. Previously based in Tokyo as a filmmaker & producer, Carla is fascinated by new media art, emerging trends within the digital art market, and the use of digital spaces for artistic practice. Carla is currently studying in the BA(Hons) Arts Management Programme at LASALLE College of the Arts, where she enjoys analysing art through a sociological lens and exploring its impact on society.

Rachel Seah is a doctoral student at the Centre of Chinese Visual Arts in Birmingham School of Art researching on contemporary private photography in East Asia through the gendered lens. Her research is located at the intersection of contemporary art and visual activism with an interest in contemporary photography and media, feminism, care ethics and alternative histories. As a writer and researcher, she strives to advocate for women's development and emotional well-being through contemporary art research and practice. Previously, she received her MA in Museum Studies and Curatorial Practices at Nanyang Technological University Singapore (2021) and her BA in Fashion Media and Industries at Goldsmiths’ College, University of London (2014).

Amanda is an editor and journalist, with extensive experience in writing for trade and features publications. Her particular focus is on arts, culture and social issues across Southeast and East Asia. A Londoner with roots in Southeast Asia, she is particularly interested in themes of race, identity, diaspora culture and cross-cultural communication. She can be found on Twitter at Oon88Amanda and on Instagram @AmandaOon.

Lê Thiên Bảo divides her time between Ho Chi Minh City and Paris. Since 2010, her curatorial practice has been exploring the best ways to promote contemporary art in Southeast Asia by raising awareness and connecting artists and their communities. After curating the first contemporary art centre in Vietnam (The Factory) from 2016 to 2019, she structured 'Nổ Cái Bùm', an artist-run art festival in 2020 and 2022. In France, she commissioned several exhibitions, notably with A2Z Art Gallery. In 2023, she co-founded BAQ Gallery in Paris with the aim of creating a dialogue between Southeast Asian and European art practices.

Sean Carballo is an art writer based in the Philippines. He studies English literature at the Ateneo de Manila University. Outside art, Sean loves to write poetry. He also enjoys taking walks in the park. 

Lizzie Wee is a multidisciplinary artist, curator, and writer based in Singapore. She has lived in many cities including KL, Hong Kong, Berlin, Boston, and New York. She received her BFA from NYU and an MA in Fine Arts from the Goldsmiths programme at LASALLE College of the Arts. She also works in video production focusing on travel, lifestyle, and food content, so when she's not making, curating, or writing about art, she can be found traveling, cooking, or eating her way through the city she's currently in.

Editor Stephanie Yeap and writer Sheryl Gwee writing collaboratively.

@sgmuseummemes is a human by day and goblin pretty much all the time. Since 2020, they have been roasting museums and the visual arts scene in Singapore with memes. When not sneaking around galleries and art events for content, @sgmuseummemes can be found nursing a stiff drink at a nice bar. They would also like to tell you that it is okay to read the artwork description first.