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Author: Carla Bianpoen

Picture of Carla Bianpoen

Carla Bianpoen

Carla Bianpoen has been a freelance arts journalist of contemporary art since 1990, contributing to various local and international print media, such as The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe, Asian Art News HK, Art Republik Singapore and CoBo Social HK. She was the senior editor of C-Arts Magazine (2007- late 2011) and a Juror for the Bandung Contemporary Art Awards for 5 editions of the award. She served as artistic director and co-curator for the Indonesia Pavilion of the Venice Biennale in 2013 and 2015, co-authored the book 'Indonesian Women Artists: The Curtain Opens,' and is the author of the seminal 2019 book on young Indonesian women artists, 'Into the Future.' Carla was the recipient of the Visual Art Award (2011) and Contemporary Art Award (2014). (Profile image credit: SEA Focus 2019)
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