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23 August 2023—Chrysalis opens at Nouri and Short Stories runs at Appetite

Last night, we got to check out not one but two shows over at Nouri and Appetite!

Over at Nouri’s exhibition Chrysalis, Woong Soak Teng’s photography series depict sheets of metal featuring waves of rust and patina flecks, and what they look like after being rubbed off. The artist herself instigated the rusting process to reflect how we attempt to control natural processes—a neat parallel to how the restaurant incorporates culinary techniques such as fermentation and ageing.

Up the flight of stairs is Short Stories, featuring a majestic series of black and white photographs by chef-photographer Hor Kwok Kin and colourful, abstract paintings by his contemporary Wong Keen. Hor’s masterful photographs are a sight to behold, as his shooting in the morning light lends a magical quality to even the most quotidian of scenes—ranging from a hor fun hawker at Bugis to labourers in construction sites. Wong’s paintings also add a vibrant dimension to the space, with expressive swathes of colour treading the line between flesh and abstract forms.

Curated by Tan Suili, Chrysalis runs at Nouri till 31 December 2023 and Short Stories runs at Appetite till 19 November 2023. 

Check out our photos below for a peek at the shows!

Feature image courtesy of Appetite.